суббота, 23 февраля 2013 г.

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   The title of the article is “Painting by Dèlacroix defaced in Louvre-Lens", it was published in "The Art Newspaper" on 08 February 2013. It discusses the exhibition at the Louvre-Lens in northern France.
    Eugene Dèlacroix’s painting Liberty Leading the People, 28 July 1830, has been defaced while on view at the Louvre-Lens in northern France. A 28-year-old woman scrawled across the bottom of the painting with a marker pen shortly before the museum closed on7 February, Le Monde reports. Her actions were noticed. She was apprehended by security staff and then arrested by the police.
     Dèlacroix’s painting is on display in the main exhibition area, entitled the Gallery of Time, at the Louvre-Lens, the satellite branch that opened last December.

I like the fact that we can know about such incidents through the magazines and newspapers. Together we can attract attention to this burning issue!
Specialists from the Louvre's paintings department were due to assess the work last night. “On first view, the markings appear to be superficial and may be easily removed,” said a museum statement. After the initial assessment of the damage, a decision would be taken whether the painting will be removed for restoration.
The Louvre issued a statement on February saying that the conservator Anne Perrin has successfully removed the markings. The restoration work was done on site and took less than two hours.
  But according to the article the Louvre issued a statement today (8 February) saying that the conservator Anne Perrin has successfully removed the markings. The restoration work was done on site and took less than two hours. "The work has not been damaged as the marks were superficial and on the surface layer of varnish. They did not penetrate the paint layer [underneath]," the statement says. The painting will go on show again tomorrow from 10am when the Louvre-Lens reopens. The museum says it plans to step up its security measures.
   I like the article and in conclusion I dare say Vandalism is a growing national problem.       
  Although most vandals do not have a clear motive for their acts, studies show that basic social problems and attitudes are at the root of the vandalism.


1 комментарий:

  1. The article is too short!
    The introduction and conclusion are good, but the body is chaotic. Try to use such expressions as ‘It is interesting to note’, ‘it is necessary to point out that’, ‘there is every reason to believe that’, etc. Here is the list to help you: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mv1JXqjuDSh0JfBimr2f4n8JomwvJhdJ3dHuBg28daw/edit
    NO quotations!
    …we can get to know…
    Although most of vandals…
